Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stormy Sunday

Well, congratulations are in order for our resident poet and dear friend, Peter Covino, who read this afternoon while the rain slashed the windows and the surf built below us. Just brought the house down. I hope he sold all his books. For a poetry reading there were many, many people there, though the free chocolate and wine helped, no doubt. Mairead Byrne was pretty wonderful, too. It was a heartening thing to do on a rainy Sunday, listening to words, words, words. Oh, for you fans of him, or to simply expand your thinking and your heart, go hear the master himself, John Ashbery, read at Brown's Salomon Center this Thursday at 7:30 P.M.

" What's this talk about not understanding!
you're just a person who refuses to see."
-- Gary Snyder from "Amitabha's Vow"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday Poetry at the Towers

There is a poetry and music event this Sunday, Feb 22 at the Towers in Narragansett at 2 P.M. Hosted by the poetry and Friends of the Towers. Looks like fun, our good friend Peter Covino will read and there will be an open reading as well so bring something to share. Come out to support poetry and look at the ocean from the lovely Towers in Narragansett. See you there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

praise song

Am I the only person on the planet who loved Elizabeth Alexander's poem for Obama's inauguration?? Let me go on record for loving it and loving how she read it. If you were too distracted to listen to her or otherwise numbed by the enormity of the event as they say, then go read it at for goodness sake. We crawl towards spring and perhaps will find a space for a poetry reading, at the very least in April, National Poetry Month! Perhaps in Narragansett, but somewhere it will happen. Looking forward to this year's URI Writers Conference...make plans to attend!