Monday, October 13, 2008

why words

It's been a week since our last Pier Poetry Project meeting...the brave journeyed out Monday night to share their love of language and sound. We are determined to keep this nugget of word-lovers alive, but we'd love it if you would come too! Thanks to Peter Covino for joining us, sharing new ideas and supporting the event. Look for flyers everywhere readers may wander...let me know if you would like to distribute some yourself. Our next gathering is November 3rd at 7:30, the night before election day!For a good read about the politics of language see last week's article by James Wood "Verbage: The Republican War on Words" in the New Yorker. Also, the north end of the state has readings at Ada Books in Providence, hosted by the wonderful Kate Schapira.


Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea it's Shannon and it looks like your quest has been fruitful. I am glad to see you delved so fully into the Project.
I have been working on Monday nights without much of an option, I am working on getting the next one off. Talk soon

Andrea said...

Shannoooon!!!! So good to hear from you! We miss you. Please try to come to something to do with poetry- we need you.

Mary-Lou said...

One of the best things about the Pier Poetry Project (besides reading outloud, which is lovely) is the opportunity to hear the writing of others who love words and who use them innovatively and seriously. It's a great evening that inspires me to learn more about and write more poetry! Mary-Lou