Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September is the bittersweet month...

Come listen and read poetry in a lovely community garden in Providence! After our great evening at the gazebo in Narrgansett Pier last month, we are lucky to have another and perhaps a last for the season, outside poetry event. Did you ever notice how food tastes better outdoors? and music sounds better sitting beneath the blue sky. The same is true for poetry. Plan on coming to Providence on Saturday, September 26th, at 5 P.M. bring something to drink if you wish and a poem to read during the open mic. The garden is located in the Armory District and I will publish directions very shortly.


t. said...

Hi Everyone,

I hear the new time is from 4:00-6:00.

Share it on Facebook at:

or from the Ocean State Summer Writing Conference's new and less troublesome link:

Can't wait to see you all.

Andrea said...

Oh it is? Okay, 4 o'clock is it and that is better light-wise...see you soon